
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Over-reached? It is possible. I am afterall, only human

AM: 6 miles.  Woke up at 4:45 to get in 6 miles at a relatively easy pace.  I felt ok, better than yesterday, but overall, my legs were very tired for most of the run.

PM: On the schedule was 10 miles with 7.5 @ tempo pace (~5:45-5:50/mile).  However, I was having my doubts most of the day whether I could handle it.

On my 1.25 mile warm up, I felt decent, better than expected.  When I finally got started, I managed to get through 4.5 miles (3 1.5 mile loops):

8:28; 8:23; 8:32. 

It's clear my times were a bit slower than previous weeks, though it was a bit windy.  The real issue was how I felt: COMPLETELY spent.  It took everything I had to throw out that pace and my usual somewhat effortless stride was excessively labored.  I finally stopped when my stomach got tied into a knot.

I ran the 1.25 miles back to my apartment for 7 miles total, not bad, but not what I was supposed to do.  I've been suspecting that I was teetering close to over reaching (I don't use the term "over training" anymore), but was hoping I could hold out long enough to get to my taper.

After today, that may not be the case.  Friday will be an extremely easy day and Saturday will be a day off.  On the plus side...I have now run 9 days in a row, run a marathon, and doubled up 6 times.  No doubt I have run a lot.  After these two days, I'll get through my 22 miler on Sunday even if I have to run it slow.  I'll then reevaluate for next week.

I'm pretty sure a 90 mile week, which I am clearly not physically ready for, is going to do more harm than good, so I'll need to tweak my mileage a bit in these last few weeks.  I knew the risk going into this cycle and specifically these last few weeks.  And, honestly, I'd rather push myself just over my limit and then back off rather than wonder if I pushed myself hard enough.  Let's just hope I caught myself in time!

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