
Sunday, October 16, 2011

To change my goal race?

I have been presented with an interesting set of circumstances.  I have a bib for the Marine Corps Marathon in two weeks.  Originally, I was supposed to be pacing someone, but that is no longer happening.  I know I'm in peak shape now, and have already posted about how I was trying to "bridge the gap" to Philly.

Now though, I'm wondering if I should take this opportunity to just taper off now and race MCM.  During the week of the 10th, I only ran about 15 miles (all hard miles) because of my leg problem.  I did about 75 this week, but no workout, except for a slight 10 mile progression the day after Baltimore to shake my legs out.  So with a couple of easy weeks, I could easily be fresh; I do recover quickly when I give my body the opportunity.

I feel ready, maybe just slightly concerned about endurance, if only because I never really surpassed 80 miles per week or 20 miles in a long run.  However, I then wonder if a couple more long workouts are really going to make or break anything.  I've completed 11 marathons since March 2008, so I'm not new to this and I know the possible risks of racing a marathon before being ready.  But, if I'm peaked now, why draw it out?

There are a few knowledgeable runners that read this blog.  If you were in my situation, what would you do?


  1. Philly.

    Stick with the plan. I realize you "only" ran 3:30 for the marathon this weekend, but it's still another big mileage day. You'd be looking at turning it around in two weeks to do it again, on what is not considered a "fast" course.

    Philly, on the other hand, is received as a fast course, and since there are going to be a bunch of fast guys and gals there trying to run qualifying times, you'd have some benefit of running with girls looking to run A standard times and B standard times.

    Additionally, MCM can still be a warm day, there's no guarantee it won't be. But, it's virtually guaranteed Philly will not be warm. If this matters to you, I'd say go for the one you're more comfortable with.

  2. RM basically said everything I would have said already. I think Philly is a better idea.

  3. I knew I would get input from two people whose opinions I highly value. RM, the competition angle is one I did not look at, but you're right! That might be almost enough to sell it right there.

    Glad I finally made it out to a Monday evening run. I can't believe it took me this long to join up...

  4. I agree with the comments above for the reasons they all list. Plus if you race Philly hard, you'll probably finish the full just about the same time I'm finishing the half, which means I'll maybe get to see you finish.
