AM: 7 miles, easy/moderate pace. Felt a little of that dull ache characteristic of running just the right amount.
PM: 8 miles total with 7xhill @ 0.25 miles per repeat, 5 uphill and 2 downhill. I actually bounced back pretty well for this one. I did the run at the Loch Raven Reservoir, using a hill by the dam.
17 miles, 1:55 overall, 6:46/mile average. I also did this run at the Loch Raven Reservoir and contended with rolling hills the whole way. I started to hit my stride well after about 14 miles. It was a bit of a struggle before that. The hills and the week probably combined for that.
Overall, I am not feeling run down or seeing any evidence of overuse. I am however, beginning to experience the burn. At this point, based on my last year experience, I'm in the phase where it may get a bit worse but will eventually level off. Beyond that point, the pain will still be there, but it won't really matter as much. I'll just get used to it.
One thing is for sure, I'm going to stop upping my weekly mileage for now and keep it in the high 70s to low 80s range for the next 3 weeks and see how I feel. I should make note that this was my 18th consecutive day of running, more than I've ever run in a row. If I need a day off, or possibly a cut back week before the end of February, I'll take it. However, I'm not there yet!
Total weekly mileage: 86 RUN MORE!!
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