
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: Out with a Fitting Bang

I've had a fitting end to 2010 today...

AM: 4 miles.  Ran at a solid pace with two strong runners.  I don't get to run a moderate pace with other people in training very often these days, so I never take any opportunities for granted!

PM: 8.5 miles total, 4.5 @ tempo pace..5:28/mile average, 8:19; 8:11; 8:10 (1.5 mile splits); 24:40 overall.

It was quite mild in the afternoon, 47 degrees, warm enough to run in shorts and a t-shirt despite it being the dead of winter.  I rocked out this tempo run and just felt really solid.  I've been running in my racing flats the past few days since I retired my trainers (new ones are about ready to be commissioned).  With the shoe change all that dull pain I had earlier in the week has completely disappeared.  Additionally, my left knee is about 90-95% now.  I barely felt a twinge during the morning run and basically felt nothing in the afternoon.  Occasionally it will feel stiff after sitting down, but it's almost gone.

4 pairs of trainers and 3 pairs of racing flats later, I have hit 2704 miles for the year.

Now it's time to kick off 2011 with a 5K race tomorrow.  Training for Boston officially starts on Monday.

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