This week was still quite chill. In the beginning of the week, I was rather sore from the 5 miler/long run from the previous weekend, but I'm feeling pretty good now. My left leg seems to have finally stopped bothering me; I stumbled on a new stretch for my lower back that seems to be doing the trick.
-PM: 6 miles, moderate pace
-Commute to work, 20 mile ride afterwards, 27 total.
-AM: 4 miles
-PM: 7 miles
-Commute to and from work, 15 miles total thanks to some detours (always appreciate it CSX...)
-PM: 6 miles
-AM: 3 miles
-PM: 6.2 miles
-AM: 6.2 miles
-PM: 30 mile bike ride
-13.1 miles
Miles run: 51
Miles Biked: 50
Miles Commuted by Bike: 22
At long last, it is time to return to track work. I'm not sure what kind of running I'll be doing, but I know I want to get in around 6-8 miles total. I'll have to spend the rest of this week coming up with a plan for workouts through April. The scaffolding is in place including weekly mileage totals, long run lengths, bike mileage, and days for workouts. It is just a matter of the details of each day.
Looks like you and I both are returning to track work here soon. Enjoy!