Today I have experienced what may very well be a glimmer of hope. I'm certainly holding onto it as best I can. After getting my bike back, I rode it a little today and could pedal soft and hard with no pain in my hip, so I can at least get back to some cross training. I also have no real fear about wiping out again.
Even better is the fact that after some test running, I might be turning the corner with my hip. On Thursday, it still hurt like hell to run on it immediately, and I stopped after only about half a mile. Today though, I was able to stride up and down at moderate pace with little to no pain during or after the running. Of course, we're only talking about maybe a quarter mile total, but even that is a dramatic improvement.
I'm going to try an easy run tomorrow and see if I can make it without pain in the hip. It is still sensitive, still bruised, and does hurt from time to time, but maybe, just maybe it is getting better. Regardless, I'm still getting it checked out by a doctor because the hip is just way too important for running and I want to make sure there is no underlying damage.
I already ran the two best races of my life on a stress fracture, so my interpretation of pain is not reliable.
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