AM: 9 miles total, easy/moderate pace. I felt decent considering I am now entering my 4th week of 70+ miles and have only taken 2 days off the entire year. I've stopped counting how many days in a row I've run because I'd rather not think about it!
PM: 5 miles...33:19, 6:40/mile pace
My left IT band was a bit tight in the morning but loosened up by the afternoon. My quads and hamstrings however were not happy for most of this run. By the end they were ok, but then my ankles were upset. Overall, the pace still felt as I would expect it, and it was 45 degrees, (aka shorts weather) so no complaining here!
I will be taking a mini taper in the last week of February to gear up for the ever important 10 Mile Club Challenge at the end of the month. 60 miles (including the race), a day off, and probably only 2 doubles will be on the schedule. No specific details yet, but just looking forward to that week will be enough motivation to gut out these next 13 days of running!
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